In the transport and storage of FINE ART we pay special attention to security. We take care of every little detail, and ship works of art all over the world with absolute security. The operations involved in moving works of art are particularly delicate.

They are often fragile, bulky and of great value. We therefore invest our resources in everything that can reassure and protect them. First of all, your works are protected by adequate insurance cover, they will travel in specific vehicles equipped with satellite control and, if necessary, an escort service.

Depending on the work to be transported, tailor-made containers will be built and, if necessary, they will be stored in our vault equipped with modern security systems.

There is a wide range of special equipment: crane trucks, vehicles with isothermal containers, side load securing bars, ratchet straps to anchor the boxes, air conditioners, tail lifts, air suspension, satellite antitheft devices, etc.

Everything to guarantee safe and reliable transport.

We guarantee quality protection.

The packaging phase of any fine art is one of our strengths, for the preparation of drawings and projects we use the right gloves to preserve the complete integrity of the colours and more, our staff is equipped with clothing designed and created especially for fine art so as not to damage them,

We spend a lot of time searching for packaging material that respects the environment as much as possible, nowadays it is important for each of us to make a gesture towards our planet and we do this by using material supplied to us by our selected and trusted suppliers, we try to limit all forms of plastic as much as possible, buying the type of material that is easiest to recycle.

Assistance from a professional restorer.

Our exclusive fin art shipping service is enhanced by the advice of a licensed cultural heritage restorer. Thanks to his experience and expertise, we guarantee an impeccable and carefully calibrated service to ensure the maximum safety of the works transported.

The restorer ensures the perfect preservation of artworks during loans, helping to preserve their beauty and value for future generations.

Our restorers offer comprehensive and professional assistance for fine art shipping, ensuring the utmost care before, during and after transportation:

We design and build customised crates and support systems:

We create tailor-made solutions to protect each work during transportation.

Choice of appropriate transport:

We select the most appropriate transportation method to ensure the preservation of your valuable artworks.

Advanced security measures:

We apply specific techniques to protect the most delicate and at-risk parts.

Preparation of condition reports:

We provide detailed reports on the state of the work before and after transportation.


Accrochage Seven Stars offers a comprehensive and specialised service for the handling and mounting of fine art, including transport, placement and installation. We use advanced technologies, such as laser precision, to ensure precise and optimal accrochage, enhancing the usability of exhibitions. We also offer dowelling services on various materials and the construction of wooden partition walls, along with other essential technical work.

Our highly qualified team handles all phases of exhibition design, including dowelling in showcases, the supply of supports and the construction of wooden partition walls, supported by the use of specialised equipment such as pianoplans, as well as other carpentry and construction work.

Utilizziamo la tecnologia laser per determinare con precisione la collocazione ottimale delle opere, assicurando la massima fruibilità per i visitatori delle mostre. Con questi servizi integrati, Accrochage Seven Stars si impegna a garantire standard elevati di professionalità e precisione nell’allestimento e nella presentazione delle opere d’arte, ottimizzando l’esperienza espositiva per i visitatori.
